Associations (The Verdict: The Christina Boyer Case)

You can listen to Christina Boyer reading her tekst here. During the exhibition, please listen to this audio with your headset on. Thank you!

When I first saw this I thought to myself: these are the shadows from my past ‘what ifs’ and ‘could’ve beens’ that are ever growing with each passing year threatening to suffocate me. They like to whisper to me from deep within, taunting me with all that would’ve been, might have been, if not for the choices I made. Choices like not trusting my instincts when I FELT like something was off, things seemed ‘too calm’ and everything seemed ‘perfect’. Choices that stripped me of life, liberty, and the pursuit of any happiness. And those shadows keep growing and growing, threatening to drown me in what can never be.


When I first saw this I thought to myself: these are the shadows from my past ‘what ifs’ and ‘could’ve beens’ that are ever growing with each passing year threatening to suffocate me. They like to whisper to me from deep within, taunting me with all that would’ve been, might have been, if not for the choices I made. Choices like not trusting my instincts when I FELT like something was off, things seemed ‘too calm’ and everything seemed ‘perfect’. Choices that stripped me of life, liberty, and the pursuit of any happiness. And those shadows keep growing and growing, threatening to drown me in what can never be.

You can listen to Christina Boyer reading her tekst here. During the exhibition, please listen to this audio with your headset on. Thank you!

When I first saw this I thought to myself: these are the shadows from my past ‘what ifs’ and ‘could’ve beens’ that are ever growing with each passing year threatening to suffocate me. They like to whisper to me from deep within, taunting me with all that would’ve been, might have been, if not for the choices I made. Choices like not trusting my instincts when I FELT like something was off, things seemed ‘too calm’ and everything seemed ‘perfect’. Choices that stripped me of life, liberty, and the pursuit of any happiness. And those shadows keep growing and growing, threatening to drown me in what can never be.


Toen ik dit voor het eerst zag, dacht ik bij mezelf: dat zijn de schaduwen van alle ‘wat als’ en ‘had gekund’ uit mijn verleden, die met het jaar groter worden en me dreigen te verstikken. Ze fluisteren graag tegen me van diep binnenin, me treiterend met alles wat zou zijn geweest, wat had kunnen zijn, als ik niet deze keuzes had gemaakt. Keuzes zoals het niet vertrouwen op mijn instincten toen ik voelde dat er iets niet klopte, dingen ‘te rustig’ leken en alles ‘perfect’ scheen. Keuzes die me beroofden van het leven, de vrijheid, en het nastreven van enig geluk. En die schaduwen blijven groeien en groeien en dreigen me te verstikken in wat nooit zal kunnen zijn.