Associations Photo 3 (The Verdict: The Christina Boyer Case)
You can listen to Christina Boyer reading her tekst here. During the exhibition, please listen to this audio with your headset on. Thank you. What this photo invoked was a sense of dreariness. The fence is the first thing I noticed, of course. I wonder if it is somehow trying desperately (like the South tries) […]
Associations Photo 2 (The Verdict: The Christina Boyer Case)
USA, South Carolina, Union. Sharpe Ave. You can listen to Christina Boyer reading her tekst here. During the exhibition, please listen to this audio with your headset on. Thank you. When I first saw this I thought to myself: these are the shadows from my past ‘what ifs’ and ‘could’ve beens’ that are ever growing […]
Associations Photo 1 (The Verdict: The Christina Boyer Case)
You can listen to Christina Boyer reading her tekst here. During the exhibition, please listen to this audio with your headset on. Thank you. When I first saw this I thought to myself: these are the shadows from my past ‘what ifs’ and ‘could’ve beens’ that are ever growing with each passing year threatening to […]